DSOP Account Information |
EHF e-Government G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2018:dsop:account:1.0 |
NICS Payment Transactions for Clearing (Edifact) |
Interbank (Norway) |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2019:nics:01:1.0 |
NICS Payment Transactions for Clearing (Bols) |
Interbank (Norway) |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2019:nics:02:1.0 |
NICS Payment Transactions from Clearing (Edifact) |
Interbank (Norway) |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2019:nics:03:1.0 |
NICS Payment Transactions from Clearing (Bols) |
Interbank (Norway) |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2019:nics:04:1.0 |
NICS Registry Information |
Interbank (Norway) |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2019:nics:05:1.0 |
Payment initiation (Profile 01) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:01:1.0 |
Cancellation of General Credit transfer Initiation (Profile 02) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:02:1.0 |
Salary payments (Profile 03) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:03:1.0 |
Salary payments with request for cancellation (Profile 04) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:04:1.0 |
Billing (Profile 05) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:05:1.0 |
Billing system with Direct Debit (Profile 06) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:06:1.0 |
Canselation of DirectDebit Initiation (Profile 07) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:07:1.0 |
Accounting/General Ledger/cash management (Profile 09) |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:09:1.0 |
Profile 10 |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:10:1.0 |
Profile 11 |
Payment Norway G1 |
urn:fdc:bits.no:2017:profile:11:1.0 |